The Hidden Mountain Pass


As the male slept, a female slipped silently thought the trees and settled herself nearby.

Though she had not made a sound, the male stirred and opened one eye to look at her. With a massif yawn he rolled over. It hadn't been the most romantic invitation you'd seen, but she seemed pleased enough with his reaction and curled up to go to sleep beside him. You wondered if she ever poked him with those spikes coming out of her shoulders.

You turn around to leave, only to notice a blue male looking at you curiously.

Though he seemed friendly enough, he obviously wanted to observe you from a distance. As you neared him, he spread his wings and took to the air, soon vanishing out of sight as he headed towards the sun. Blinded, you glance back at the ground, only to see more golden sunlight at your feet.

She seemed equally curious about you, and not wanting to scare her away as you had the other one, allowed her to come to you when she was ready. A gentle scratch behind one ear was all she wanted before she too left your company. A slight growl from the sleeping pair was a reminder that you were making too much noise and were disturbing them. Putting some distance between them, you come across another cat.

No wings, no spikes, no scales. You were almost shocked to see a creature that could pass for a housecat! She was obviously larger than a normal cat, and would have probably been an insult to compare her to someone's pet, but compared to the others, it was kind of striking. As you approached her, a male appeared and you were reminded that these creatures were unlike any you had encountered outside this Realm.

The male had spikes and horns and spots and wings. He also wasn't even interested in either you of the other female. She in turn took no notice of him and focused herself on your presence. After this enforced ignorance of each other, you began to wonder if they had managed to insult each other in some way and this was a kind of silent treatment. Once the male had left, the simple female made sure to leave in the oppposite direction.

And finally, one last male came to this place. His coat was a bright orange, so bright that is almost seemed to glow. He was walking purposefully by, but turned his head to gaze at you a moment. He even paused a few seconds, one paw in the air.

But he obviously had some place to be, and he was probably even late. So he picked up his pace to a trot. Curious, you follow him. The sleeping pair sighed a sigh of relief that they were at last going to get some peace and quiet.


Name: Snowpeak
Gender: Female
Parents: Wild
Mate: Twilight
Offspring: Mica
October 2004

Name: Sky
Gender: Male
Parents: Wild
Mate: None
Offspring: None
October 2004

Name: Sunbright
Gender: Female
Parents: Wild
Mate: None
Offspring: None
October 2004

Name: Simplicity
Gender: Female
Parents: Wild
Mate: None
Offspring: None
October 2004

Name: Chocolate
Gender: Male
Parents: Wild
Mate: None
Offspring: None
October 2004

Name: Neon
Gender: Male
Parents: Wild
Mate: None
Offspring: None
October 2004

The EverRealm