The Hidden Mountain Pass


You clamber up the rocky face. There were a lot of handholds so it wasn't really a problem, but the higher you got the colder it became till you started to notice that ice was forming on the stone. About to descend, you notice a fissure through which there appeared to be a plateau of sorts. Squeezing through your hear a surprised yelp!

It was Seasonjoy, a K'd you'd met earlier in your travels through the Mountain Pass. Once she realized who you were, she recovered from her surprise and grinned.

"Hey! I didn't think anyone else knew about this place, this is where I keep my NC."

You ask her what NC are.

"Why, they're NerryClanaarsa!"

You were about to ask what those were when a brown and green form swooped past you only to make a sharp turn as a grey and orange one burst up from the snow. Next thing you knew something bright and flaming had joined their aerial acrobatics.

So those cute little creatures you'd seen below had in fact been these NC, and it appears that people kept them as pets. You mention the others you saw and asked if the belonged to Seasonjoy too.

"Oh no, that's SunBlind's Wing. Together we went on an NC hunting quest and since her Wing was almost full she decided to let me keep the three we found. Well, *I* found, she wasn't really much use on the quest in the end."

"Let me introduce you to mine! The red one there is called Pele, after the goddess of fire. And the one with butterfly wings I called Kelaeno after a greek storm goddess. And finally there's Pan, though he was actually my first, and he's a celtic forest god since I found him in a forest."

Suddenly you were dive-bombed by an eagerly chittering NC. Seasonjoy rolls her eyes. "That one doesn't belong to me. Frankinsence healed it some time ago and it refuses to leave him for very long. And when it does, it likes to hang out with my Wing so we decided it should become part of it." At this the colourful NC flies off t0 play games with the other three.


Name: Pele
Parents: Wild
Snow Peak Wing
July 2013

Name: Kelaeno
Parents: Wild
Snow Peak Wing
July 2013

Name: Pan
Parents: Wild
Snow Peak Wing
July 2013

Name: Springtime
Parents: SpringFrost X Nebulosa X Turk
Snow Peak Wing
July 2013
