The Magical Herd

The Jungle


You wondered if you had met the last of these strange creatures. It turns out that you had not. An extremely tall redish male appeared. He cocked his head at you then spoke with perfect English. "I am Ceriss. Welcome to the Jungles of this Realm. I am from a Random Portal unlike my Leaper Peak kin. And my species does not have a name. I suppose you could call me a Ranport." He grins at that.


You ask him if he is the last creature to live in the jungles. He just cocks his head again and smirks. "What do you think?" Then he turns and slowly walks into the greenery till you could see nothing more. You wondered what he meant about that.

It all got explained rather quickly when the next creatures appeared.


The first of them moved effortlessly between the trees despite its size. It had an equine form, but you trembled at the thought of it having draconic blood. It might be a carnivore. Cheena might have sent you here just for this very purpose.

"Greetings, I am Terren, and equine whorling. I saw you coming out of the forest and decided to investigate. You're a human aren't you." Seeing your reluctance to answer she added, "Don't worry, the only thing I like is grass."

A second equine whorling appeared from above. "And he is Corryn."


The blue stallion with wings glides down to settle next to the mare. He tosses his mane and stamps a hoof. He doesn't speak.

"Just ignore him, he just likes to act tough." He frowns at Terren's words but doesn't deny them. Finally he shrugs, grins and make a little bow to you.

Next came another mare, a similar kind of equine, but somehow different. It was the horn and the cloven hooves and that wild coat pattern you decide. "This is Kanea."


Though she strong and quick, she kept a fair distance between you and her. Her hooves never stopped dancing as she pranced around you. She was nervous, but too curious to run.

But the strangest was yet to come. The mare that appeared was normal in some respects. You were getting used to the idea of horses with wings, but her forelegs...instead of hooves she had talons...long, sharp talons.


Even the other three watch this strange floating mare glide slowly through the clearing. They may be used to seeing strange things, but they hadn't seen something like her either. Without a sound she glided into the trees and vanished. The others depart with her.

You continue your journey.


Name: Ceriss
Gender: Male
Species: Leaper Peak
August 2000

Name: Terren
Gender: Female
Mate: None
Offspring: None
Species: Equine Whorling
June 2005

Name: Corryn
Gender: Male
Mate: None
Offspring: None
Species: Equine Whorling
June 2005

Name: Kanea
Gender: Female
Mate: None
Offspring: None
Species: Equine Whorling
June 2005

Name: Aerlan
Gender: Female
Mate: None
Offspring: None
Species: Equine Whorling
June 2005
