The Hidden Mountain Pass


You stand at the edge of the cliff in awe of the waterfall that flowed so far down you could not see the bottom. The river, for which the falls was a source, trailed out as a long shimmering line towards the sea that was little more than a sparkle in the distance.

You were not long there before a winged feline floated up from below. His eyes glowed and his tail shimmered.

He floated by without making a sound or taking any notice of you. He hovered a moment over the lake, then slipped in without making even a ripple. And then he was gone. It was eerie, you weren't entirely sure you had seen the phantom feline or had just imagined him.

But there was little doubt that the strange feline that next appeared was very real. She was a combination of a little of everything.

"Ah! Don't move!" she said before flying somewhere out of sight. You wait a few moment, after a while you give up on her returning and take one last look down at the waterfall. Doing so you noticed two pairs of eyes gazing up at you. The original female and a new male.

The female grinned. "I'm Serin, and this is Ivrek. And over there is Jaspar." Jaspar had landed behind you and was sneaking up close to catch your scent. He paused when you turned around and quickly pretended that he had not been sneaking, oh no, not him. Apparently cats were cats, no matter what form they took.

"Oh! And Kayel finally got here!" Serin meant the aristocratic male that settled on the ledge and strutted towards you with an overdose of feline confidence in his superiority.

He stayed around only long enough to give you a good look over and a sniff. And of course made sure you had plenty of time to admire him before he gracefully stepped off the edge and soared up and out of sight beyond the mountain peak.

You look down to find Jaspar snuffling at your shoes. He looks up sheepishly then licks a paw. You didn't see him do that, oh no, not him.

In contrast to Kayel, the green female Serin informed you as being named Bree, was fully of kittenish playfulness and energy. She didn't land, she pounced from the sky. Her eyes glowed with mischief and her dragonfly wings fluttered to let you know she was planning something.

Then they saw something or heard something, or knew somthing that you didn't know, for without a word between them they fled the scene, leaving you to wonder if the end of the world was at hand.


Name: Specter
Gender: Male
Parents: Wild
December 2004

Name: Serin
Gender: Female
Parents: Wild
December 2004

Name: Ivrek
Gender: Male
Parents: Wild
December 2004

Name: Jaspar
Gender: Male
Parents: Wild
December 2004

Name: Kayel
Gender: Male
Parents: Wild
December 2004

Name: Bree
Gender: Female
Parents: Wild
December 2004

The EverRealm