The Hidden Mountain Pass


Oasis Salvation returned you to the mountain pass and without another word, flew back to her pack. You were now left to explore once more on your own. Though you were tempted to follow the path, you noticed a crack in the wall of the mountain through which you could hear faint music. Approaching the crack you realized that you could actually fit through it. A tight squeeze it was, and at one point your shirt got caught on something, trapping you momentarily, but a couple of scrapes later you were through and staring at a bizarre scene.

It was a carousel...only the animals were moving. No, not in the up and down motion one is used to, but moving as if alive. You creep closer, unsure of whether this carousel was magically blessed, or cursed. For all you knew, to ride one of the animals would result in your being eaten by one.

For example, one of the animals was a black panther, with very real claws and teeth. It didn't appear to be aggressive, but then you didn't think it had noticed you yet.

You creep a little closer, keeping to a pile of rock to hide you from the strange sight. As the carousel turned another animal appeared, this time an elephants with a brilliant scarlet and gold saddle.

As it passed, the elephant raised its trunk and trumpeted. In response the panther growled. This was a strange place indeed!


Name: Mahan Raja
(Great King - Hindi)

ID: 001
Species: African Elephant
Gender: NA
Parents: Wild
Carousel: None
August 2007

Name: Tonalli
(Shadow-soul - Nahuatl/Aztec)

ID: 006
Species: Black Panther
Gender: NA
Parents: Wild
Carousel: None
August 2007
