Book Cover
Title Goblin Secrets
Author William Alexander
Cover Art Alexandre Jannson
Publisher Margaret K. McElderry Books - 2012
First Printing Margaret K. McElderry Books - 2012
Book Cover
Title Ghoulish Song
Author Alexander William
Cover Art Erwin Madrid
Publisher Margaret K. McElderry Books - 2013
First Printing Margaret K. McElderry Books - 2013
Category Middle Grade
Warnings None
Main Characters Rownie, Kaile, Shadow
Main Elements Goblins, ghouls, witches, steampunk

Click to read the summaryGoblin Secrets

Click to read the summaryGhoulish Song

I can see why Goblin Secrets won an award, I absolutely loved the book. It took a combination of ideas and managed to meld it all together into a seamless whole. First we have steampunk, Rownie is adopted (well in service of) Graba (clearly a Baba Yaga figure) who is a witch with mechanical chicken legs that are very terrifying. Then there's the magic, with curses and charms, but most importantly masks and the magic that they contain. The masks of course come from a travelling performing group of goblins, who, by wearing said masks can make the audience believe what they say. All actors of course can do this, otherwise we'd find plays boring to watch if we weren't pulled into their magic, but these masks can do a little bit more. And then there is the River, an elemental essence that must be appeased so that it will not flood the city of Zombay.

Its a wonderful mix of steampunk and fairy tales, and the writing just drew me in right away. It's whimsical but also scary at times, with guards with clockwork eyes, pigeons that spy for Graba, and "coal" that is made from hearts to power automatons. It made me think of movies like Jack and the Cuckoo-Clock Heart, Hugo, and just about anything Tim Burton has made. In fact this book would make a wonderful stop-animation movie.

The only fault I could find in the book is that Changelings (the goblins) are not explained well enough. Rownie kept asking how one became one, but we never find out. What exactly are they, other than "changed"?

I wasn't sure if it was safe to hope that the second book would be as good as the first, and while it doesn't have quite the same effect on me as the first one did, this one is still a wonderful tale. We don't continue where were left off, but we pick up somewhere in the middle. In Goblin Secrets we see a young girl hand over a basket of bread to the goblins and receive a bone flute in exchange. In Ghoulish Song we find out that when she plays the flute, she sets her shadow free. Most everyone else assumes someone without a shadow is dead (though Kaile has two pieces of evidence otherwise), however the musicians of the bridge believe otherwise and recruit to protect the bridge from the flood (the same flood from Goblin Secrets)...but she fails the audition. Just as masks had power in one book, in this one it's music. This book would also be perfect for a movie, so many strange and wonderful things take place.

I very highly recommend both these books, and am only disappointed there's just the two of them.

Posted: August 2023


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