Book Cover
Title The Accidental Apprentice
Author Amanda Foody
Cover Art ---
Publisher Margaret K. McElderry Books - 2021
First Printing Margaret K. McElderry Books - 2021
Book Cover
Title The Weeping Tide
Author Amanda Foody
Cover Art ---
Publisher ---
First Printing ---
Category Middle Grade
Warnings None
Main Characters Barclay Thorne, Viola, Tadg
Main Elements Wizards

Click to read the summaryThe Accidental Apprentice

The book was described as Harry Potter x Pokemon, which just seemed, well, weird. I usually don't put too much credit in books that say "Hey I'm like XYZ" since more often than not its just a marketing thing and the book is nothing like XYZ...but this one...well it kind of is Harry Potter mixed with Pokemon, and it was actually really good.

Our Harry is Barclay, an orphan in the village of Dullshire, training to be a mushroom collector. Until he accidentally captures a Pokemon...sorry, Beast in the woods. He then has to leave the village (that never wanted anything to do with him anyway, he never fit in) to learn how to break the bond with his Beast. There he has to go through trials, since only the strongest will survive having their Beast removed, while finding he's actually pretty good at this magic stuff, and he starts making friends, something he never had before. But it was a Beast that killed his parents and he just can't bring himself to ally himself with one feeling that he was betraying their memory.

I really look forward to reading the rest of the series since this book had a lot of adventure, and fun, a touch of humour and fun worldbuilding. And some great characters, each with a lot of history to them, and you never know who you can trust until they show their true colours.

Posted: January 2022


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