Book Cover
Title The Emperor's Edge
Author Lindsay Buroker
Cover Art ---
Publisher Self-published - 2010
First Printing Self-published - 2010
Book Cover
Title Dark Currents
Author Lindsay Buroker
Cover Art ---
Publisher Self-published - 2011
First Printing Self-published - 2011
Book Cover
Title Deadly Games
Author Lindsay Buroker
Cover Art ---
Publisher Self-published - 2011
First Printing Self-published - 2011
Book Cover
Title Conspiracy
Author Lindsay Buroker
Cover Art ---
Publisher ---
First Printing ---
Book Cover
Title Blood and Betrayal
Author Lindsay Buroker
Cover Art ---
Publisher ---
First Printing ---
Book Cover
Title Forged in Blood I
Author Lindsay Buroker
Cover Art ---
Publisher ---
First Printing ---
Book Cover
Title Forged in Blood II
Author Lindsay Buroker
Cover Art ---
Publisher ---
First Printing ---
Book Cover
Title Republic
Author Lindsay Buroker
Cover Art ---
Publisher ---
First Printing ---
Book Cover
Title Diplomats and Fugitives
Author Lindsay Buroker
Cover Art ---
Publisher ---
First Printing ---
Category Fantasy
Warnings None
Main Characters Amaranthe Lokdon, Sicarius, Books, Maldynado, Basilard, Akstyr, Sespian
Main Elements Wizards

Click to read the summaryThe Emperor's Edge

Click to read the summaryDark Currents

Click to read the summaryDeadly Games

When I first got my Kobo I got a free $5 I could spend in their store. I also got an 80% off one book. Deciding to go for quantity instead of quality I got that $5 to cover around 7 books, if you count the individual novels in the omnibuses. Now, there was risk doing that, I could have good some badly written amateurish stuff (which I think applies to one omnibus) but I was pretty lucky with the rest. The Emperor's Edge got some good reviews, and I feel they were quite well deserved, and my money was well invested.

The world - the trilogy was labeled as steampunk, which was one reason I bought it, but well, nowadays people like to attach that term to just about anything that has a single steam driven vehicle that just happens to drive by the characters ones day. This is not steampunk at all. But it is a more modern setting than your standard fantasy, probably late 1800's technology, they still use swords a lot but they have steam powered cars and machines too. The world was well done and consistent and that's a pretty important piece of writing a fantasy.

The characters - you've got the leader, in this case Amaranthe, a ex-policewoman (nice change from usual soldier, guard, etc) who is falsely accused of betraying her emperor (who happens to have a thing for her, which was one reason why she had to be gotten rid of) but is still trying to protect him and the empire by gathering a group of misfits she calls The Emperor's Edge. There's the assassin that no one is sure they can trust (but he's handsome in that mysterious, dangerous kind of way), the smart one, the thief (who also dabbles in illegal magic), and the pretty boy, who is really there just because he's bored of his life but he's handy for his contacts and he's good with a sword. Now, these guys don't really all get along, which leads to some fun and adventures, and if it weren't for Amaranthe they would probably have killed each other long ago.

And then what follows are some fairly episodic, standalone adventures that can lead to a long and enjoyable series.

So, the big question is, will I continue with the series? I'm not a big fan of buying e-books, I find I can read on the device for short spurts of time, but even though my Kobo is e-ink and not a tablet, so it doesn't glow, the screen, though matte enough, still reflects a little light which I've found over time bothers my eyes. And there is so much free stuff out there to keep me busy during my commute to work. Also, though I've only listed the books, there are a lot of short stories, as well as three spinoff series, and the money can add up over time. I'm tempted, very tempted, to keep reading this series, especially if another nicely priced omnibus comes out with the next three books combined together (or all the shorts collected). Maybe as the world forces me to switch over to e-books more and more I'll jump back in.

But I do highly recommend this. It's well written, looks edited, it's light, it's fun, ok the romances are a bit obvious, but hey, I said it was light right? Reading isn't all about the heavy stuff, sometimes you just want to be whisked away to another world for wonder and adventures and this series is perfect for that.

Posted: October 2017


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