Book Cover
Title Secrets of Valhalla
Author Jasmine Richards
Cover Art Sam Nielson
Publisher HarperCollins - 2016
First Printing HarperCollins - 2016
Book Cover
Title Keeper of Myths
Author Jasmine Richards
Cover Art Sam Nielson
Publisher HarperCollins - 2017
First Printing HarperCollins - 2017
Category Middle Grade
Warnings None
Main Characters Buzz, Mary, Sam
Main Elements Gods

Click to read the summarySecrets of Valhalla

Click to read the summaryKeeper of Myth

I didn't really need more books based on mythology, especially not Norse middle grade ones, I have two series on my to read pile already. But the library had just been renovated and I wanted to see what they did with the kid's section...and well the word Valhalla is kind of obviously myth based. I argued that my inability to resist wasn't a big deal, there were only two books in this series after all, I can squeeze them in!

And I enjoyed the first one. Sometimes I dislike books that mix mythologies, but hey, since all the days of the week are named after Norse gods (Sunna, Manni, Tyr, Odin/Woden, Thor, Frigga) except Saturday (Saturn is Roman), it had a pretty good justification to drag the Titan Saturn, and his children, into the mix (though he gets along surprisingly well with his kids considering he ATE them...) Although suggesting that Jupiter is running the internet Cloud made me really laugh, especially since I work for, well, Oracle of all places, now I like to think of the Cloud as floating above Mount Olympus or something.

There were some failings, everyone was too good. Even the bad guys were just misunderstood, or afraid, or made a mistake, and they all wanted to make up for what they did and help the kids out and be super friendly and everyone will now live happily ever after together. Which is so not like the real gods that didn't care what happens to the humans around them. I mean sure, you can't have Zeus/Jupiter tell Mary he will help her in exchange for some sexual favours and her bearing yet another of his hero children, but by the end of the book there were no villains...well one I guess. So it was a little too sweet and happy and tied up with a bow. In fact, given only two books in the series, it may have been intended as a standalone originally. Thus this takes it down a notch compared to say Rick Riordan's series, since while yes, he modernizes and makes fun of the gods there too, he also keeps closer to their personalities and their petty cruelties.

But that aside, it was a super quick, light, fun read and I enjoyed it overall. And I don't regret investing some extra time to read them, even though it means I'll have to pick a few books I already own off my to read pile to save for another year.

Posted: August 2021


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