Book Cover
Title La légende oubliée
Author Carolyn Chouinard
Cover Art Carl Pelletier
Publisher Éditions de Mortagne - 2010
First Printing Éditions de Mortagne - 2010
Book Cover
Title Le duel des apprentis
Author Carolyn Chouinard
Cover Art Carl Pelletier
Publisher Éditions de Mortagne - 2011
First Printing Éditions de Mortagne - 2011
Book Cover
Title Le retour des captifs
Author Carolyn Chouinard
Cover Art ---
Publisher ---
First Printing ---
Category Young Adult
Warnings None
Main Characters Imaelle, Maxime, Zelma, Thomas, William, Megan, Demian
Main Elements Wizards
Website ---

Click to read the summaryLa légende oubliée

Click to read the summaryLe duel des apprentis

Click to read the summaryLe retour des captifs

A group of teens meet up at a campground. They discover they are draw to hidden crystals, one for each of them, and to bring them together to revive a huge crystal pyramid. This pyramid causes the engery levels in our cells to vibrate faster, giving us the ability to reach the fourth dimension...which apparently gives powers like healing or telepathy, and if the teens are successful, they will vibrate all the way to the fifth dimension where they will encounter angels and become immortal. There's also a race of small, hairy, invisible people who need the crystal reactivated so the the rainbow bridge it produces will allow them to return to their home in the fifth dimension before their entire species fades away.


Ok, the premise is a bit eyebrow raising. But it's a fantasy, so you take the wacky premise, no matter how nonsensical, accept it as fact, and then enjoy the rest of the story. And that I did, I had fun following the teens around as they tried to locate those gems, and of course dealing with budding romances (without the annoying angst) at the same time. And while it is challenging enough for the characters to figure out what is going on and to locate the crystals, there's someone out there trying to stop them took me a whole of 10 seconds to figure out who that would be, ah well.

Posted: March 2024


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