Book Cover
Title Mutineer
Author Mike Shepherd
Cover Art Scott Grimando
Publisher Ace Books - 2004
First Printing Ace Books - 2004
Book Cover
Title Deserter
Author Mike Shepherd
Cover Art Scott Grimando
Publisher Ace Books - 2004
First Printing Ace Books - 2004
Book Cover
Title Defiant
Author Mike Shepherd
Cover Art Scott Grimando
Publisher Ace Books - 2005
First Printing Ace Books - 2005
Book Cover
Title Resolute
Author Mike Shepherd
Cover Art Scott Grimando
Publisher Ace Books - 2006
First Printing Ace Books - 2006
Book Cover
Title Audacious
Author Mike Shepherd
Cover Art Scott Grimando
Publisher Ace Books - 2007
First Printing Ace Books - 2007
Book Cover
Title Intrepid
Author Mike Shepherd
Cover Art Scott Grimando
Publisher Ace Books - 2008
First Printing Ace Books - 2008
Book Cover
Title Undaunted
Author Mike Shepherd
Cover Art Scott Grimando
Publisher Ace Books - 2009
First Printing Ace Books - 2009
Book Cover
Title Redoubtable
Author Mike Shepherd
Cover Art Scott Grimando
Publisher Ace Books - 2010
First Printing Ace Books - 2010
Category Science Fiction
Warnings None
Main Characters Kris Longknife, Tommy, Jack, Abby, Nelly, Penny, Vicky, Cara
Main Elements Space

Click to read the summaryMutineer

Click to read the summaryDeserter

Click to read the summaryDefiant

Click to read the summaryResolute

Click to read the summaryAudacious

Click to read the summaryIntrepid

Click to read the summaryUndaunted

Click to read the summaryRedoubtable

Hmm, do I like these books? They are a fun read...but I felt I had to suspend disbelief a little more than usual. The characters are likeable, the potential villains leave you guessing (are they an innocent pawn or the evil mastermind?), and there is an ongoing thread through the book linking them together.

But I found the plot lines a little unbelievable. In the first novel, Kris was constantly doing things wrong but always came out smelling like roses. The same person who recommended me this seris also recommended Tanya Huff's Valor series, and when her Torin Kerr pulled off the impossible, she had the experience to do it. Kris is just an ensign, and though the military may flow in her blood, I found her to be a little too bloodthirsty...though she always meant well in the end.

In the second book, she's acting in a civilian capacity, which made an interesting change as she could fall back on the upbringing her mother tried so hard to instill in her. Though here again an extra suspension of disbelief was required. Nelly, Kris' computer, could magically do just about anything, including make nano-scouts that could destroy the bad-guy's nanos but somehow manage to avoid being destroyed themselves. Or when she had to rely on civilian inhabitants of the planet, everyone just seemed to happy to help out this random stranger at the risk of their lives...and the bad guy had just a little too much power over, well, just about everything. But I must admit, I'm left curious enough as to who the bad guy might be working for and why he has such a chip on his shoulder when it comes to Kris. I may have to get the next book in the series after all.

Jan - Dec 2024

Took nearly fourteen years before I got back to the series, and I do so now because one day I walked into a used bookstore and there they were, nearly the entire series and I couldn't resist. Of course before starting on the new ones I had to re-read the old. The only thing I really remembered about them was that I didn't much like Kris, and I think in my original review the thing that stuck was no matter what orders she was given, she just went off and did her own thing, she always saved the day somehow, but that doesn't mean its ok for people to go all vigilante. Also in the real world, the road to Hell is paved with good intentions, a mutiny won't always stop a war, and when you are up on criminal charges, you don't get to go on a trip somewhere else (even if you have good reason to) and the charges in the meantime get cleared up off-page without even facing trial. In the real world, even if they are trumped up charges, you still get dishonorably discharged. Kris gets promoted.

And the next two books kind of continue the same. They aren't bad, I mean there's lots of action, and the good guys win (even if some do die), and there's lots of intrigue and problem solving, and Kris is always trying to do the right thing (and succeeding). Often military SF is from the POV of the grunts or the captains, but here she's an outright Princess trying to escape her family name by joining the Navy, but when the family name comes in handy, she'll use it (I mean she's not dumb so I don't fault her for that, the conflict does make things interesting), but since she's also incredibly wealthy, she solves a whole ton of problems just by throwing money at it, not something your average lieutenant can do. And of course her computer Nelly can solve most other problems, the rest is solved by her maid...yes there must be more to THAT story, but still haven't gotten to it yet no matter how many times Kris says she will.

And while the posturings between planets makes for exciting enough content, there are hints of aliens, ones no longer around but the possibility of others still out there, so I look forward to more of that, since there are moments when I'd rather be reading about the Iteechee invasions than Peterwald's lust for power.

Oh, and while not very believable (but who knows) I have to admit I get a smile when I find out the sleepy darts are made by Pfizer and that Boeing is still building craft. In fact there are so many references to pop culture and the our present Earth its stretches belief. Also this urge for humans to spread out and colonize more planets, the Dune series had the same problem, its like the authors forget how BIG a planet is, you don't run out of space and resources that fast. Yes 8 billion might be too much for comfort, but thats a LOT of people and it took us a few thousand years to get there. I mean you don't need to run looking for a new planet when you could just move to the next continent over on the same planet.

There is also the two-dimensional villains, the Peterwalds. Hank was cute but dumb as a rock. Vicky is drop dead gorgeous but a rich bratty...well another word that start with a b. I asssume this character at least with have an interesting character arc given she has her own trilogy! Kris is clearly the good guy, well, girl, and they are clearly the bad ones. After all women on their planet aren't allowed in the military, in fact they sounded like they lived in a 17-1800's given their place in society. Mind, we only see this from Kris' point of view, but since she's always felt a little unrealistic to have such clear cut good and bad guys.

Anyway, I've got a whole bunch of these books to keep me busy for the rest of year, as the series progresses I'll review my review and see if my thoughts change over time.

Posted: April 2010


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