Book Cover
Title The Knight of the Golden Plain
Author Mollie Hunter
Cover Art Marc Simont
Publisher Harper & Row - 1983
First Printing Harper & Row - 1983
Book Cover
Title The Three-Day Enchantment
Author Mollie Hunter
Cover Art Marc Simont
Publisher Harper & Row - 1985
First Printing Harper & Row - 1985
Book Cover
Title Day of the Unicorn
Author Mollie Hunter
Cover Art Donna Diamond
Publisher HarperCollins - 1994
First Printing HarperCollins - 1994
Category Children
Warnings None
Main Characters Sir Dauntless, Dorabella, Benson
Main Elements Wizards, Unicorns
Website ---

Click to read the summaryThe Knight of the Golden Plain

Click to read the summaryThe Three-Day Enchantment

Click to read the summaryDay of the Unicorn

These are fun, quick stories about a boy, usually on a Saturday before tea time, who imagines he turns into Sir Dauntless, a knight without fear who rides the great black stallion Midnight, and whose lady fair lives in Crag Castle. He goes off on many adventures, banishing witches, killing dragons, defeating wizards, destroying giants, rescuing ladies in distress and capturing unicorns. I like how the tale is told as if he really were a knight, but there are some undertones that reminds one that it's simply the boy's imagination. I had epub versions of two of them so most of the images were gone and were without colour but I had a PDF version of the second book and the artwork was perfect for the story. Of course I had discovered the series while looking for unicorn books to read this year, but the other two books were wonderful too. Now Hunter has supposedly written books on Scottish folklore, having some family ancestry from that country, I will likely hunt those down, since who wouldn't want to read about kelpies, and selkies and all the other beasties that go bump on the moors...

Posted: September 2019


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