Book Cover
Title The Lies of Locke Lamora
Author Scott Lynch
Cover Art ---
Publisher Gollancz - 2007
First Printing Gollancz - 2006
Book Cover
Title Red Seas Under Red Skies
Author Scott Lynch
Cover Art ---
Publisher ---
First Printing ---
Book Cover
Title Republic of Thieves
Author Scott Lynch
Cover Art ---
Publisher ---
First Printing ---
Book Cover
Title The Thorn of Emberlain
Author Scott Lynch
Cover Art ---
Publisher ---
First Printing ---
Book Cover
Title The Ministry of Necessity
Author Scott Lynch
Cover Art ---
Publisher ---
First Printing ---
Book Cover
Title The Mage and the Master Spy
Author Scott Lynch
Cover Art ---
Publisher ---
First Printing ---
Book Cover
Title Inherit the Night
Author Scott Lynch
Cover Art ---
Publisher ---
First Printing ---
Category Fantasy
Warnings None
Main Characters Locke Lamora, Father Chains, Jean Tannen, Calo Sanza, Galdo Sanza, Bertilion "Bug" Gadek
Main Elements Wizards, thieves

Click to read the summaryThe Lies of Locke Lamora

I was surprised by how much I enjoyed the first book of the Gentleman Bastard series, though there were a few parts here and there that bored me quite a bit, and the occasional scene where I had to suspend disbelief a bit more than one should have to, but I don't usually mind if the story is still good.

The characters were wonderful. Sure, they were a bunch of thieves, but they were fun and clever and one grows quite attached to them over time. And they have their own sense of honour, which stops them from being simple ruffians. In fact, the thefts aren't even about the money, it's about the game, and that made it fun, the elaborate lengths Locke would go to set up the perfect heist. But, when you've got enemies, even the most perfectly planned heist could be foiled again and again. Yet Locke and his loyal followers work together to find their way out of ever increasing messes. But this is no light tale full of fun and tricks, not every characters survives till the end, and Locke may have found a challenger even more clever than he.

I didn't jump right into the rest of the series since Lynch is a bit slow in putting them out, and this first installment stands quite well on it's own. But if Lynch is able to keep Locke going with his clever tricks, and expands on the world in which they live (the city sounds beautiful, made of a material no one understands, some believing that it was left there by the gods themselves), I'm sure I'll be enjoying the rest of the series too.

Posted: August 2017


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