Book Cover
Title Covenant With The Vampire
Author Jeanne Kalogridis
Cover Art ---
Publisher Delacorte Press - 1994
First Printing ---
Book Cover
Title Children of the Vampire
Author Jeanne Kalogridis
Cover Art Bob Larkin
Publisher Delacorte Press - 1995
First Printing ---
Book Cover
Title Lord of the Vampires
Author Jeanne Kalogridis
Cover Art ---
Publisher Delacorte Press - 1996
First Printing ---
Category Horror
Warnings Blood, sexual situation (including homosexual and necrophilia), torture
Main Characters Vlad Tsepesh [Dracula], Arkady Tsepesh, Abraham Van Helsing, Elisabeth Bathory
Main Elements Vampires

Click to read the summaryCovenant with the Vampire

Click to read the summaryChildren of the Vampire

Click to read the summaryLord of the Vampires

I truly enjoyed Covenant with the Vampire. I loved the careful details Kalogridis added to the story that most authors either ignore or get wrong. Yes, Dracula could go out by daylight if he wanted to! But there is much more to it than that. During much of the novel one is torn between knowing the true nature of the vampiric monster, and the kindness and love he displays to his family. To them, he is the doting, eccentric uncle that lives in the ancestral castle of their family. As it is written in journal format, we see him through the eyes of his family, niece Zsuzsanna, her brother Arkady and his wife Mary. Each see the Prince from a very different point of view, and each comes to their own conclusion. Coming to your own conclusions can be quite hard as you are tempted to believe what the diary keepers want to believe. You are tempted to give the Prince the benefit of the doubt, that Stoker was actually wrong about him. But it the back of you mind, something warns you otherwise...

Children of the Vampire is also good, but I did not enjoy it as much as the first. There are some interesting twists and turns to keep one interested the whole way through. Here we learn how the vampire moves unseen and unheard, how they mesmerize humans, and how humans hunt them. Perhaps too much of the mystery and magic of the vampire were explained, but the concept was an interesting one.

Lord of the Vampires ranks higher for me than Children, but Covenant was still the best as far as I'm concerned. It felt a little rushed at times, as it tried to keep pace with the events in Dracula (which took a book in itself to relate) and explain things which never got explained in Stoker's novel. Add to that the additional character of Elizabeth and one had a lot going on in a short period of time.

Posted: July 2003


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