Book Cover
Title Hidden
Author Megg Jensen
Cover Art ---
Publisher 80 Pages Incorporated - 2014
First Printing 80 Pages Incorporated - 2013
Book Cover
Title Hunted
Author Megg Jensen
Cover Art ---
Publisher 80 Pages Incorporated - 2014
First Printing 80 Pages Incorporated - 2014
Book Cover
Title Retribution
Author Megg Jensen
Cover Art ---
Publisher 80 Pages Incorporated - 2014
First Printing 80 Pages Incorporated - 2014
Book Cover
Title Desolation
Author Megg Jensen
Cover Art ---
Publisher ---
First Printing ---
Book Cover
Title Reckoning
Author Megg Jensen
Cover Art ---
Publisher ---
First Printing ---
Category Fantasy
Warnings None
Main Characters Tressa, Bastian, Connor, Stacia, Elinor, Jarrett
Main Elements Dragons

Click to read the summaryHidden

Click to read the summaryHunted

Click to read the summaryRetribution

Must comment on the cover...the placement of that flag is quite unfortunate. It's a very beautiful cover but I keep getting distracted by the "genie" dragon with the top half of the dragon merging perfectly into that nebulous flag...

I picked this up for free somewhere, I don't recall where but it was sitting on my eReader when I was looking for something with dragons to read. Sometimes these free independently published books can be, well, let's just say not the best, but this one was actually quite decent.

We meet up with Tressa who lives in a town that is surrounded by a fog through which nothing passes, though every year three townsfolk are selected to go through, none have ever returned. Of course, wouldn't be much of a story if Tressa, Bastian and Connor didn't succeed in getting through to the other side only to find themselves in Stacia's kingdom.

Ah, yes, Stacia...I really, really hate reading about two-dimensional villains that almost literally cackle and rub their hands together menacingly while describing all the ways they will torture some of your protagonists, or in this case, how she lusts for one of them. The best villains are the ones that truly believe they are doing good, but Stacia here knows she's sadistic and revels in it, and frankly, there's nothing more to her than that.

Now the threesome are completely unprepared for the cities and soliders and, well, game of thrones taking place on the other side of the fog. And must not forget, there are indeed dragons. I won't say too much about them since you should learn about them as Tressa does, but they definitely play a very big role.

Would I read the rest of the series? Yes. Would I pay for the pleasure...not sure. I'm still reluctant to spend much money on ebooks in general, let alone a series that has it's flaws but on the whole is not bad. I mean I'm interested to see what happens next, but at the same time the characters didn't really make me feel for them, some unnatural behaviours and a dialogs, and yet, it's a very intriguing world building with much more for us to learn about beyond the fog.

September 2020

I found a three book omnibus on Kobo for free and snatched it up, I didn't re-read the first one so there were some moments where they referred to thing I didn't recall happening but I basically came to the same conclusion I did from just the first book. Interesting world building, the plot kept me interested, only vaguely interested in the characters, and the bad guys are just too evil (they are always grinning, or laughing, or worst when inside their heads...they aren't like "Oh, dragons killed my family so I need revenge", nah, it's just "Can't wait to rip them limb from limb, those disguting creatures that I hate for no particular reason other than I'm evil, mwhahahaha"). And four of the five main characters can't keep their pants on, constantly falling in and out of love with each other and angsting over it all the time, with the occasional prostitute thrown in, and oh yeah, some have wives elsewhere they are theoretically still married to with kids.

Now I'm in a connundrum, there are some interesting underlying mysteries as to the world itself...but is my curiosity around the worldbuilding enough for me to pay for the last two books when I spend half my time eye-rolling at the characters and their antics? $6 each is far more than I like to pay for an ebook (I know the authors need money but when a book with no paper/ink/storage/shipping requirements costs nearly the same as one that does, and is one I'm only midly interested in...)

BTW...if your ears get ripped won't go deaf. The floppy bits on the outside to help to channel sound to the inside but unless someone gouges out big dents into the side of your head and remove the internal workings from inside your skull, you'll be able to hear fine, you'll just look a little weird...sigh.

Posted: June 2018


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