Book Cover
Title Crown of Feathers
Author Nicki Pau Preto
Cover Art ---
Publisher Simon Pulse - 2019
First Printing Simon Pulse - 2019
Book Cover
Title Heart of Flames
Author Nicki Pau Preto
Cover Art ---
Publisher ---
First Printing ---
Book Cover
Title Wings of Shadow
Author Nicki Pau Preto
Cover Art ---
Publisher ---
First Printing ---
Category Young Adult
Warnings None
Main Characters Veronyka, Val, Tristan, Sev
Main Elements Wizards, Phoenix

Click to read the summaryCrown of Feathers

You don't get to see the Phoenix in fantasy novels very often, especially not ones you can ride (fortunately if you bond with one you become immune to its fire!) so I was happy to see this available for free on where I could read it online.

It was pretty good, we start with Veronyka and Val seeking phoenix eggs, hoping to become riders though the riders have since been overthrown and scattered about the lands, they aren't even sure if any of them survived. But the eggs can remain dormant a long time and they were hidden about the realm.

We also join Sev, a young man with the ability to communicate with animals, but that is a magic that allows for bonding with the phoenix and is outlawed, those with the power are enslaved. Thus Sev is in the army, serving the empire that killed his family, but at this point he doesn't really care anymore, he just wants to keep his head down and survive, his parents were heroes and that just got them killed.

There is pretty good worldbuilding, what with the animal magic, and the history of the empire, how the phoenix riders came to be and how they came to be overthrown (we learn this through letters between the last queen and her magic-less sister)

However, my reaction to it, while I enjoyed it still, was that it was long. Veronyka spends a lot of time wandering about (Sev too), and then training when she stumbles upon the last sanctuary for the phoenix riders. On the other hand, there were some pretty interesting twists, including you must keep in mind, the fact that the phoenix can die, but be reborn in fire (riders of course are not usually so lucky). A surprising number of people are not who they seem to be.

And yet those surprises as to who people really are kind of also drag the tale down. Everyone lies ALL THE TIME. Even when it is clear that coming clean is probably the right thing to do the characters chicken out. So much that happens only happen because people can't be honest with each other, making additional hassle where it was unnecessary. And of course those oh so horrible secrets that would leave you as an outcast forever and nobody would ever forgive you and you'd rather die than reveal? Well, there were maybe a few raised eyebrows when the truth came out, then people shrugged and went whatever. So yeah, all that angst over absolutely nothing. Guess it's a young adult thing to make mountains out of molehills and overreact whenever people's acceptance of you is at stake.

I will continue with this series, after all, who wouldn't want to imagine being able to sit upon a giant flaming bird and soar through the skies, pretty decent competition for all those dragon riders out there.

Posted: November 2021


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