Book Cover
Title Le fantome a encore frappe
Author Annete Tison and
Talus Taylor
Illustrated By ---
Publisher Scholastic - 1984
First Printing 1976
Book Cover
Title La disparition de Barbapapa
Author Annete Tison and
Talus Taylor
Illustrated By ---
Publisher Scholastic - 1983
First Printing 1977
Book Cover
Title Barbibulus magicien
Author Annete Tison and
Talus Taylor
Illustrated By ---
Publisher Scholastic - 1984
First Printing 1977
Category Children
Warnings None
Main Characters Barbapapa, Barbamama, Barbabelle, Barbalala, Barbibul, Barbidou, Barbidur, Barbotine, Barbouille
Main Elements ???
Website ---Site removed due to it being hacked---


I enjoyed these stories from France. Barbapapa and his family are...colourful blob things, for lack of a better description. They can change their shapes and become anything from a bed to a boat. Together they have all kinds of adventures from dealing with ghosts to being stranded on deserted islands.

There are story books, and there are comic books like the ones I have here, and of course there was the TV show that I enjoyed watching. And having done a little research for this review I can see that their adventures have been translated into several languages such as English, Italian and German.

Anyway, if you can get your hands on these stories, they are a lot of fun to read with your kids. You never know what to expect from the rather strange family of unusual but friendly creatures.

Posted: November 2010


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