Book Cover
Title Sports Day
Series Fern Hollow
Author John Patience
Illustrated By John Patience
Publisher Editions Chantecler
First Printing Fern Hollow Productions Ltd.
Category Children
Warnings None

Main Characters

Main Elements Anthropomorphic

Trou-les-Bruyeres est un endroit merveilleux ou il fait bon vivre. Si tu demandes au professeur Simon des Marais ou au vieux Blaireau Bourru de te parler de leur joli petit village, il te faudra les ecouter toute une journee. Et le soir, ils n'auront meme pas fini de te presenter Trou-les-Bruyeres. Tu dois savoir que le village se niche a l'oree d'une foret balayee par les vents. Une riviere le traverse; on l'appelle la Riviere aux Fougeres. A Trou-les-Bruyeres, grace a tous les animaux qui sont amis, l'etranger se sent chez lui.

Gorgeous artwork. So much detail I enjoy just looking at the pictures, but the story is fun too. Now my copy is in French, a lot of my kids books were because I went to a mostly French school so I'll summarize the story for you in English.

The inhabitants of Fern Hollow prepare for their yearly sports festival. But just as they start their tug of war game, it starts pouring rain. What are they to do? Fortunately Mr. Ronald de Garou offers to hold the games in his manor house. So they have a sack race in the hall, only to find out the floor is really slippery! And then the egg race gets a little more complicated coming down the stairs! But everyone has fun just the same and the games are announced to be a success!

What I didn't know until I did the research for this review was that John Patience actually wrote and illustrated an entire series of these books. If they weren't out of print I might have tracked them down just to look at the wonderful drawings.

Posted: November 2010


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