Book Cover
Title Return of the Unicorn
Series ---
Author Suzanne Lord
Cover Art Neil Truscott
Publisher Scholastic Inc. - 1990
First Printing ---
Category Children
Warnings None

Main Characters

Beldin, Dragon, Duke of Malefort

Main Elements Unicorn, Dragons, Wizards

Dragon has lost his fire, and Castle Comfort is in danger!

The evil Duke of Malefort has put Dragon under a terrible spell. Only Beldin the unicorn can help his castle friends find the magic ingredients to cure Dragon and save the castle.

Join them in their magical adventure, but beware! There are mysterious mazes, wizardly word puzzles, and monstrous memory quizzes for you to master!

It's been a while since I've read this one, so there isn't much I can say about it. I remember being surprised to find that it wasn't just a story book but an activity book as well. It also seems that this might be a sequel to another book, but you certainly don't need to have read that one to enjoy this one. Its nothing special, but its not bad either.

Posted: January 2002


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