Book Cover
Title Volume 1
Illustrator Moyamu Fujino
Author Moyamu Fujino
Publisher Tokyopop - 2009
First Printing MAG Garden Corporation - 2006
Book Cover
Title Volume 2
Illustrator Moyamu Fujino
Author Moyamu Fujino
Publisher Tokyopop - 2009
First Printing MAG Garden Corporation - 2006
Book Cover
Title Volume 3
Illustrator Moyamu Fujino
Author Moyamu Fujino
Publisher Tokyopop - 2010
First Printing MAG Garden Corporation - 2007
Book Cover
Title Volume 4
Illustrator Moyamu Fujino
Author Moyamu Fujino
Publisher Tokyopop - 2010
First Printing MAG Garden Corporation - 2007
Book Cover
Title Volume 5
Illustrator --
Author --
Publisher --
First Printing ---
Book Cover
Title Volume 6
Illustrator --
Author --
Publisher --
First Printing ---
Book Cover
Title Volume 7
Illustrator Moyamu Fujino
Author Moyamu Fujino
Publisher Tokyopop - 2011
First Printing MAG Garden Corporation - 2008
Category Manga
Warnings None
Main Characters Neko Fukuta (Fune), Kotaro, Miiko, Yuichi, Sasuke, Yusuke
Main Elements Anthropomorphism

Click to read the summaryVolume 1

Click to read the summaryVolume 2

Click to read the summaryVolume 3

Click to read the summaryVolume 4

Click to read the summaryVolume 7

My library has a big, but not huge, selection of manga so I decided I'd just start at the beginning and go through them all. Animal Academy was therefore one of the first. Oddly, I was under the impression it was going to have no supernatural aspects, that it would just be about some crazy high school.

Well, it's all supernatural after all. Neko, a regular girl who isn't all that good in school is desperate to get into high school, *any* high school. Finally one accepts her, only it wasn't exactly what she had in mind. See, none of the students except her are human, they are all shapeshifting animals that come here to learn how to pass as human!

It's quite adorable, especially the artwork of the animals, Miiko may be annoying as a human but as a cat she is the sweetest thing to look at. And while I first found Kotaro annoying, he's now one of my favorite characters. The more I read the series, the more attached I became to all the characters and their misadventures. And it wouldn't be any fun if there weren't some mysteries going on behind the scenes, like who is that snake? Or what is the Morimori School Handbook and why does it contain all (even up to date!) information on all the students? And what exactly are the twins Sasuke and Yusuke up to?

Unfortunately, my library didn't have two of the books, so I must admit by the last book I was scratching my head trying to figure out what I missed, the conclusion might have been more satisfying if I had understood what they were wrapping up better. But it was still fun to read and I enjoyed it very much.

Posted: April 2018


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